Jesus, restore to us again

Strophe 1
Jesus, restore to us again
The gospel of Your holy name,
That comes with power, not words alone,
Owned, signed and sealed from heaven’s throne.
Spirit and word in one agreed;
The promise to the power wed.

The word is near, here in our mouths
And in our hearts, the word of faith;
Proclaim it on the Spirit’s breath: Jesus!

Strophe 2
Your word, O Lord, eternal stands,
Fixed and unchanging in the heavens;
The Word made flesh, to earth come down
To heal our world with nail-pierced hands.
Among us here You lived and breathed,
You are the Message we received.

The word is near, here in our mouths
And in our hearts, the word of faith;
Proclaim it on the Spirit’s breath: Jesus!

Strophe 3
Spirit of truth, lead us, we pray
Into all truth as we obey,
And as God’s will we gladly choose,
Your ancient powers again will prove
Christ’s teaching truly comes from God,
He is indeed the living Word.

The word is near, here in our mouths
And in our hearts, the word of faith;
Proclaim it on the Spirit’s breath: Jesus!

Strophe 4
Upon the heights of this great land
With Moses and Elijah stand.
Reveal Your glory once again,
Show us Your face, declare Your name.
Prophets and law, in You complete
Where promises and power meet.

The word is near, here in our mouths
And in our hearts, the word of faith;
Proclaim it on the Spirit’s breath: Jesus!

Strophe 5
Grant us in this decisive hour
To know the Scriptures and the power;
The knowledge in experience proved,
The power that moves and works by love.
May word and works join hands as one,
The word go forth, the Spirit come.

The word is near, here in our mouths
And in our hearts, the word of faith;
Proclaim it on the Spirit’s breath: Jesus!


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