Jesus Christ
Strophe 1
Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice,
You became nothing, poured out to death.
Many times I’ve wondered at Your gift of life,
And I’m in that place once again.
And I’m in that place once again.
And once again I look upon
The cross where You died,
I’m humbled by Your mercy
And I’m broken inside.
Once again I thank You,
Once again I pour out my life.
Strophe 2
Now You are exalted to the highest place,
King of the heavens, where one day I’ll bow.
But for now, I marvel at this saving grace,
And I’m full of praise once again.
I’m full of praise once again.
And once again I look upon
The cross where You died,
I’m humbled by Your mercy
And I’m broken inside.
Once again I thank You,
Once again I pour out my life.
Strophe 3
Thank You for the cross,
Thank You for the cross,
Thank You for the cross, my Friend.
And once again I look upon
The cross where You died,
I’m humbled by Your mercy
And I’m broken inside.
Once again I thank You,
Once again I pour out my life.
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