Voice In The Wilderness
Strophe 1
[E]I stand among the [E]millions[E2], and I can’t help but [F#m7]feel so small,
For I am just a speck of [D]dust, a particle existing on this great big [E]spinning ball.[Esus]
The part of me that’s [E]human[E2], it tells me I am [F#m7]not that strong,
There’s a power in my [D]soul, greater than us all, and I’m reminded I am [E]not my [EsusE]own.
I’m [D2]yielded to a [C#m]higher calling: I’m…
[E]One voice, shining through the darkest [C#m7]night.
One voice, standing up for what is [A2]right.
One voice, nothing more and nothing [F#m7]less,
Than a [D]voice crying out, a voice in the wilder[E]ness.
Strophe 2
[E]The voices of con[E]fusion[E2], can fill a world that’s [F#m7]all my own.
Running havoc through my [D]mind, all the truth and all the lies,
It’s so hard to sift the [E]right from wrong.[Esus]
In the middle of the [E]choosing,[E2] through the clutter of this [F#m7]human noise,
When my words fall to the [D]ground, all the dust has settled down,
All that matters is Your [E]still small [Esus]voice.[E]
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