Most Holy judge
Strophe 1
Most Holy judge,
I stood before You guilty,
When you sent Jesus to the cross for my sin.
There Your love was revealed,
Your justice vindicated,
One sacrifice has paid the cost
For all who trust in Jesus.
Now I’m justified,
You declare me righteous,
Justified by the blood of the Lamb.
Justified freely by Your mercy,
By faith I stand and I’m justified.
Strophe 2
I come to You,
And I can call you ‘Father’,
There is no fear
There is no shame before You.
For by Your gift of grace
Now I am one of Your children,
An heir with those who bear Your name,
And share the hope of glory.
Now I’m justified,
You declare me righteous,
Justified by the blood of the Lamb.
Justified freely by Your mercy,
By faith I stand and I’m justified.
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