More than oxygen
Strophe 1
More than oxygen, I need Your love;
More than life-giving food
The hungry dream of.
More than an eloquent word
Depends on the tongue;
More than a passionate song
Needs to be sung.
More than a word could ever say,
More than a song could ever convey;
I need You more than all of these things.
Father, I need You more.
Strophe 2
More than magnet and steel
Are drawn to unite;
More that poets love words
To rhyme as they write.
More than comforting warmth
Of sun in spring;
More than the eagle loves wind
Under its wings.
More than a word could ever say,
More than a song could ever convey;
I need You more than all of these things.
Father, I need You more.
Strophe 3
More than a blazing fire
On a winter’s night;
More than tall evergreens
Reach for the light.
More than the pounding waves
Long for the shore;
More than these gifts You give,
I love You more.
More than a word could ever say,
More than a song could ever convey;
I need You more than all of these things.
Father, I need You more.
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