Magnificent Warrior
Strophe 1
Magnificent Warrior, arrayed for battle,
We see You ready to slay Your enemies.
O Mighty Captain of heaven’s armies,
We bow before You, we worship You.
So take Your sword upon Your side
O Mighty One, clothe Yourself
With splendour and with majesty,
And in Your majesty ride forth.
Ride forth victoriously for truth.
Humility and righteousness.
Let Your strong right hand
Display Your awesome deeds.
Strophe 2
Magnificent Warrior, we hear Your strong command
To join the ranks of light and march into the fight;
By faith to overthrow ten thousand Jerichos,
To make Your judgements known in all the earth.
So take Your sword upon Your side
O Mighty One, clothe Yourself
With splendour and with majesty,
And in Your majesty ride forth.
Ride forth victoriously for truth.
Humility and righteousness.
Let Your strong right hand
Display Your awesome deeds.
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