Love songs from heaven
Strophe 1
Love songs from heaven are filling the earth,
Bringing great hope to all nations.
Evil has prospered, but truth is alive;
In this dark world the light still shines.
Strophe 2
Nothing has silenced this gospel of Christ;
It echoes down through the ages.
Blood of the martyrs has made Your church strong;
In this dark world the light still shines.
For You we live,
And for You we may die;
Through us may Jesus be seen.
For You alone we will offer our lives;
In this dark world our light will shine.
Strophe 3
Let every nation be filled with Your song:
This is the cry of Your people.
We will not settle for anything less,
In this dark world our light must shine.
For You we live,
And for You we may die;
Through us may Jesus be seen.
For You alone we will offer our lives;
In this dark world our light will shine.
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