Lost in the shuffle
Strophe 1
Lost in the shuffle,
I was lost as a goose,
The devil had a rope out,
And it looked just like a noose.
But just before I went off of that deep end,
My Father threw me out a line,
Forgave me of my sin.
Now we’re dancin’, me and the Father,
He’s throwing me up in the air.
We’re dancin’, me and the Father,
He’s swinging me,
I like it up there with my Father,
I like it up there with my Father.
Strophe 2
He took me to the water,
And He cleaned me real good,
Then He raised me up to be with Him,
I feel just like I should.
He filled me with His Spirit,
I drank the whole cup,
Now when He calls I hear it,
Hey, turn that volume up!
‘Cause we’re dancin’…
Now we’re dancin’, me and the Father,
He’s throwing me up in the air.
We’re dancin’, me and the Father,
He’s swinging me,
I like it up there with my Father,
I like it up there with my Father.
Strophe 3
God’s got a big family, more than anyone can count;
There’s always room for one more,
No need to be left out.
So come on, come on, come on,
And you could be dancin’, you and the Father,
He’ll throw you up in the air.
You’ll be dancin’, you and the Father,
He’ll swing you up,
You’ll like it up there with the Father,
You’ll like it up there with the Father.
– Video Demo –
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