Lord, we come in adoration

Strophe 1
Lord, we come in adoration,
Lay our lives before You now.
We are here to reach the nations,
To tell the world of Jesus’ power.
We would seek Your awesome glory,
All the gifts that You endow;
Called to reach this generation,
And now is the appointed hour.

We will go in Your name;
Go and proclaim Your kingdom.
Go in Your name,
For we have been chosen to tell all creation
That Jesus is King of all kings.

Strophe 2
We believe that You have spoken
Through Your Son to all the earth;
Given us this great commission
To spread the news of all Your worth.
Set apart to serve You only,
Let our lives display Your love;
Hearts infused that tell the story
Of God come down from heaven above.

We will go in Your name;
Go and proclaim Your kingdom.
Go in Your name,
For we have been chosen to tell all creation
That Jesus is King of all kings.

Strophe 3
Grant to us a fresh anointing,
Holy Spirit, be our guide;
Satisfy our deepest longing—
Jesus Christ be glorified.
Every tribe and every people,
Hear the message that we bring;
Christ has triumphed over evil,
Bow the knee and worship Him.

We will go in Your name;
Go and proclaim Your kingdom.
Go in Your name,
For we have been chosen to tell all creation
That Jesus is King of all kings.


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