Lord, pour out Your Spirit
Strophe 1
Lord, pour out Your Spirit
On all the peoples of the earth;
Let Your sons and daughters
Speak Your words of prophecy.
Send us dreams and visions,
Reveal the secrets of Your heart;
Lord, our faith is rising,
Let all heaven sound the coming of Yourday.
There’s gonna be a great awakening,
There’s gonna be a great revival in our land.
There’s gonna be a great awakening,
And everyone who calls on Jesus,
They will be saved.
Strophe 2
Lord, pour out Your Spirit
On all the nations of the world;
Let them see Your glory,
Let them fall in reverent awe.
Show Your mighty power,
Shake the heavens and the earth;
Lord, the world is waiting,
Let creation see the coming of Your day.
There’s gonna be a great awakening,
There’s gonna be a great revival in our land.
There’s gonna be a great awakening,
And everyone who calls on Jesus,
They will be saved.
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