Lion of Judah
Strophe 1
You’re the [Bb]Lion of Judah, the [Eb]Lamb Who was [Bb]slain,
You ascended to heaven and [Eb]evermore shall [F]reign;
At the [Bb]end of the age when the [Eb]earth You re[Bb]claim,
You will gather the nations be[F]fore You.||
And the eyes of all men will be fixed on the Lamb Who was [Eb]cruci[F]fied,
For with wisdom and mercy and justice He reigns at the [Eb]Father’s [F]side.
And the [Bb]angels will cry, « [Eb]Hail [Bb]the [F]Lamb
Who was [Bb]slain for the world; [Eb]rule [Bb]in [F]power! »
And the [Bb]earth shall reply, « [Eb]You [Bb]shall [F]reign
As the [Bb]King of all kings and the [Eb]Lord of [F]all [Bb]lords! »
Strophe 2
There’s a [Bb]shield in our hand and a [Eb]sword at our [Bb]side,
There’s a fire in our spirit that [Eb]cannot be de[F]nied;
As the [Bb]Father has told us for [Eb]these you have [Bb]died,
For the nations will gather be[F]fore you.||
And the ears of all men need to hear of the Lamb Who was [Eb]cruci[F]fied,
Who went down to the grave yet was raised up to reign at the [Eb]Father’s [F]side.
And the [Bb]angels will cry, « [Eb]Hail [Bb]the [F]Lamb
Who was [Bb]slain for the world; [Eb]rule [Bb]in [F]power! »
And the [Bb]earth shall reply, « [Eb]You [Bb]shall [F]reign
As the [Bb]King of all kings and the [Eb]Lord of [F]all [Bb]lords! »
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