Let the church arise
Strophe 1
Let the church arise,
And let the darkness fall.
Say to those chains,
‘You are now set free!’
Sickness has died its death
Through the blood of Christ.
To all the oppressed
He now promises life.
Jesus, Lord of all,
Come to us in a time of drought;
Send Your showers,
Let us know the riches of Your mercy.
Jesus, Lord of all,
Come to us in a time of need;
Send revival,
Let our nation see Your awesome glory.
Strophe 2
Awake, O church,
Sing with all Your might;
The Lord of all the earth
Is in Your midst.
He is mending lives,
He is winning hearts;
In these coming days
Let revival start.
Jesus, Lord of all,
Come to us in a time of drought;
Send Your showers,
Let us know the riches of Your mercy.
Jesus, Lord of all,
Come to us in a time of need;
Send revival,
Let our nation see Your awesome glory.
Strophe 3
Come, let us go to the house of God,
With His praises in our hearts;
For the Lord has done great things for us,
And His glory’s coming again.
Jesus, Lord of all,
Come to us in a time of drought;
Send Your showers,
Let us know the riches of Your mercy.
Jesus, Lord of all,
Come to us in a time of need;
Send revival,
Let our nation see Your awesome glory.
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