Let the chimes of freedom ring

Strophe 1
Let the chimes of freedom ring
All across this earth;
Lift your voice in praise to Him
And sing of all His worth,
And sing of all His worth.
Open wide your prison doors
To greet the Lord of life;
Songs of triumph fill the air,
Christ Jesus is alive,
Christ Jesus is alive.

Let all the people hear the news
Of the One who comes to save:
He’s the Lord of all the universe,
And forever He shall reign.

And forever more, yes forever more,
And forever more He will reign.

Strophe 2
In every corner of this earth,
To every tribe and tongue,
Make known that God so loved this world
That He gave His only Son,
He gave His only Son.

And forever more, yes forever more,
And forever more He will reign.

Strophe 3
Spread the news and make it plain,
He breaks the power of sin;
Jesus died and He rose again,
His love will never end,
His love will never end.

And forever more, yes forever more,
And forever more He will reign.

Strophe 4
He will return in majesty
To take His rightful place
As the King of all eternity,
The Name above all names,
The Name above all names.

And forever more, yes forever more,
And forever more He will reign.


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