It Is Well With My Soul
Strophe 1
When [C]peace like a river at[F]tendeth my [C]way, When [Am]sorrows like [D]sea billows [G]roll;
What[C]ever my [F]lot, Thou hast [D]taught me to [G]say, “It is [C]well, it is [F]well [G]with [C]my soul.”
It is [C]well, (it is [G]well,)
With my [G]soul, (with my [C]soul,)
It is [F]well, it is [C]well [G]with my [C]soul.
Strophe 2
Though [C]Satan should buffet, though [F]trials should [C]come, Let [Am]this blest as[D]surance con[G]trol,
That [C]Christ has re[F]garded my [D]helpless e[G]state, And hath [C]shed his own [F]blood [G]for my [C]soul.
It is [C]well, (it is [G]well,)
With my [G]soul, (with my [C]soul,)
It is [F]well, it is [C]well [G]with my [C]soul.
Strophe 3
My [C]sin, oh the bliss of this [F]glorious [C]thought! My [Am]sin, not in [D]part but the [G]whole
Is [C]nailed to the [F]cross, and I [D]bear it no [G]more, Praise the [C]Lord, praise the [F]Lord, [G]O my [C]soul!
It is [C]well, (it is [G]well,)
With my [G]soul, (with my [C]soul,)
It is [F]well, it is [C]well [G]with my [C]soul.
Strophe 4
And, [C]Lord, haste the day when my [F]faith shall be [C]sight, The [Am]clouds be rolled [D]back as a [G]scroll;
The [C]trump shall re[F]sound, and the [D]Lord shall de[G]scend, Even [C]so, it is [F]well [G]with my [C]soul.
It is [C]well, (it is [G]well,)
With my [G]soul, (with my [C]soul,)
It is [F]well, it is [C]well [G]with my [C]soul.
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