I’m standing here to testify
Strophe 1
I’m standing here to testify, (Leader)
O, the Lord is good. (All)
To sing of how He changed my heart. (Leader)
O, the Lord is good. (All)
I was bound by hate and pride, (Leader)
O, the Lord is good. (All)
Never knowing of His light. (Leader)
O, the Lord is good. (All)
Strophe 2
I did not think I could have peace, (Leader)
O, the Lord is good. (All)
Trapped inside by fear and shame. (Leader)
O, the Lord is good. (All)
He wiped away all of my grief, (Leader)
O, the Lord is good. (All)
When I believed upon His name. (Leader)
Come to the light, come as you are;
You can be the friend of God.
Humble yourself, give Him your heart,
He will meet you where you are.
(Last chorus)
Come to the light, just as you are;
Fall on the Rock for the wasted years.
He will restore all that was lost,
Surrender now, His power is here.
Clap Your hands, O God.
Clap Your hands, O God.
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