I have made You too small in my eyes
Strophe 1
I have made You too small in my eyes;
O Lord, forgive me.
And I have believed in a lie
That You were unable to heal me.
But now, O Lord, I see my wrong;
Heal my heart, and show Yourself strong.
And in my eyes and with my song,
O Lord, be magnified,
O Lord, be magnified.
Be magnified, O Lord;
You are highly exalted.
And there is nothing You can’t do,
O Lord, my eyes are on You,
Be magnified,
O Lord, be magnified.
Strophe 2
I have leaned on the wisdom of men;
O God, forgive me.
And I have responded to them
Instead of Your light and Your mercy.
But now, O Lord, I see my wrong;
Heal my heart and show Yourself strong.
And in my eyes and with my song,
O Lord, be magnified,
O Lord, be magnified.
Be magnified, O Lord;
You are highly exalted.
And there is nothing You can’t do,
O Lord, my eyes are on You,
Be magnified,
O Lord, be magnified.
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