I have heard

Strophe 1
I have heard that You are swift to bless the seeker,
And I believe that You will hear the constant cry;
So I will call until I know I’ve had ananswer,
I need Your power, Lord!
As Jacob wrestled, so I’ll wrestle with Your angel,
And though I’m weary, I will not be overcome;
For You have given me a passion for Your kingdom,
O let Your glory fall!

I won’t let go,
I won’t let go until You bless me.
I won’t take no for an answer;
Jesus, I won’t let go!

Strophe 2
I have heard that You show mercy to a nation,
And I believe that You give power to Your church;
So now I’m asking You to open up the heavens,
Pour out Your mercy, Lord!
For Your gospel to be lived among Your people,
For Your miracle of healing on the streets;
For the government to fear the Lord Almighty,
We need Your power, Lord!

I won’t let go,
I won’t let go until You bless me.
I won’t take no for an answer;
Jesus, I won’t let go!

Strophe 3
I’m not ungrateful for the blessings You have given,
But I can see the need around me;
I’m not ashamed to say I need all that You have,
So Father, hear me knocking,
See me holding out my hands to You.

I won’t let go,
I won’t let go until You bless me.
I won’t take no for an answer;
Jesus, I won’t let go!

Strophe 4
For a hunger that will overcome my weakness,
For a love that will not seek its own reward;
For my life to make a difference in this nation,
I need Your power, Lord!

I won’t let go,
I won’t let go until You bless me.
I won’t take no for an answer;
Jesus, I won’t let go!


– Video Demo –

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