How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Strophe 1
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer’s ear;
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast;
‘Tis manna to the hungry soul
And to the weary, rest,
And to the weary, rest.
Strophe 2
Dear name, the Rock on which I build,
My shield, and hiding place;
My never failing treasury, filled
With boundless stores of grace.
Jesus, my Shepherd, Saviour, Friend,
My Prophet, Priest, and King;
My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,
Accept the praise I bring,
Accept the praise I bring.
Strophe 3
Weak is the effort of my heart,
And cold my warmest thought;
But when I see You as You are,
I’ll praise You as I ought.
I would Your boundless love proclaim
With every fleeting breath;
So shall the music of Your name
Refresh my soul in death,
Refresh my soul in death.
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