I will lift my voice
And I will sing
I will sing holy, holy
To my Lord and Savior
My God and King
I will sing holy
I will sing holy
I will praise the lamb of
God who sits upon the throne
I will worship Him
And give the praise to Him alone, yes
He who was and is and is to come
I will sing before His throne forever, forever
All the angels sing
And they bow down
And they sing holy Hallelujah, holy
We, Your sons and daughters
We praise You now
And we cry holy
Yes we cry holy
I will praise the lamb of
God who sits upon the throne
I will worship Him
And give the praise to Him alone
He who was and is and is to come
I will sing before His throne forever, forever
Holy, I say holy
Holy, yes holy
Everybody raise your voice and say
Holy, holy 8x
You’re holy, holy
Holy Lord God, holy
Somebody join and sing
Holy, holy 8x
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