Holy Child
Strophe 1
Holy Child, how still You lie!
Safe the manger, soft the hay;
Faint upon the eastern sky
Breaks the dawn of Christmas Day.
Strophe 2
Holy Child, whose birthday brings
Shepherds from their field and fold,
Angel choirs and eastern kings,
Myrrh and frankincense and gold:
Strophe 3
Holy Child, what gift of grace
From the Father freely willed!
In Your infant form we trace
All God’s promises fulfilled.
Strophe 4
Holy Child, whose human years
Span like ours delight and pain;
One in human joys and tears,
One in all but sin and stain:
Strophe 5
Holy Child, so far from home,
All the lost to seek and save:
To what dreadful death You come,
To what dark and silent grave!
Strophe 6
Holy Child, before whose name
Powers of darkness faint and fall;
Conquered death and sin and shame –
Jesus Christ is Lord of all!
Strophe 7
Holy Child, how still You lie!
Safe the manger, soft the hay;
Clear upon the eastern sky
Breaks the dawn of Christmas Day.
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