He Keeps Me Singing
Strophe 1
[E]There’s within my heart a [A]melo[F#7]dy
[B]Jesus whispers sweet and [E/B]low:[B7]
[E] »Fear not I am with thee. [A]Peace be [F#7]still. »
[B]In all of life’s [E/B]ebb [B7]and [E]flow.
Strophe 2
[E]All my life was wrecked by [A]sin and [F#7]strife;
[B]Discord filled my heart with [E/B]pain.[B7]
[E]Jesus swept across the [A]broken [F#7]strings;
[B]Stirred the slumb’ring [E/B]chords [B7]a[E]gain.
Strophe 3
[E]Feasting in the riches [A]of His [F#7]grace;
[B]Resting neath His shelt’ring [E/B]wing.[B7]
[E]Always looking on His [A]smiling [F#7]face:
[B]That is why I [E/B]shout [B7]and [E]sing.
Strophe 4
[E]Though sometimes He leads through [A]waters [F#7]deep,
[B]Trials fall across the [E/B]way;[B7]
[E]Though sometimes the path seems [A]rough and [F#7]steep;
[B]I see His footprints [E/B]all [B7]the [E]way.
Strophe 5
[E]Soon He’s coming back to [A]welcome [F#7]me
[B]Far beyond the starry [E/B]sky.[B7]
[E]I shall wing my flight to [A]worlds un[F#7]known;
[B]I shall reign with [E/B]Him [B7]on [E]high.
[E]Jesus, Jesus, [B]Jesus;
Sweetest name [B/E]I [E]know.
Fills my every [A6]longing;
[B]Keeps me singing [E/B]as [B7]I [E]go.
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