He Has Risen
Strophe 1
He has risen
He has risen
Jesus is alive
Strophe 2
When the life flowed from His body
Seemed like Jesus’ mission failed
But His sacrifice accomplished
Vict’ry over sin and hell
Strophe 3
In the grave God did not leave Him
For His body to decay
Raised to life – the Great Awakening
Satan’s power He overcame
Strophe 4
If there were no resurrection
We ourselves could not be raised
But the son of God is living
So our hope is not in vain
Strophe 5
When the Lord rides out of heaven
Mighty angels at His side
They will sound the final trumpet
From the grave we shall arise
Strophe 6
He has given life immortal
We shall see Him face to face
Through eternity we’ll praise Him
Christ the champion of our faith
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