Go forth and tell !
Strophe 1
Go forth and tell! O Church of God, awake!
God’s saving news to all the nations take:
Proclaim Christ Jesus, Saviour, Lord and King,
That all the world His worthy praise may sing.
Strophe 2
Go forth and tell! God’s love embraces all;
He will in grace respond to all who call:
How shall they call if they have never heard
The gracious invitation of His word?
Strophe 3
Go forth and tell where still the darkness lies,
In wealth or want, the sinner surely dies;
Give us, O Lord, concern of heart and mind,
A love like Yours, compassionate and kind.
Go forth and tell! The doors are open wide:
Share God’s good gifts – let no one be denied;
Live out your life as Christ your Lord shall choose,
Your ransomed powers for His sole glory use.
Strophe 4
Go forth and tell! O church of God, arise!
Go in the strength which Christ your Lord supplies;
Go till all nations His great name adore
And serve Him, Lord and King forever more.
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