For the joys and for the sorrows
Strophe 1
For the joys and for the sorrows,
The best and worst of times,
For this moment, for tomorrow,
For all that lies behind;
Fears that crowd around me,
For the failure of my plans,
For the dreams of all I hope to be,
The truth of what I am:
For this I have Jesus,
For this I have Jesus,
For this I have Jesus,
I have Jesus.
Strophe 2
For the tears that flow in secret,
In the broken times,
For the moments of elation,
Or the troubled mind;
For all the disappointments,
Or the sting of old regrets,
All my prayers and longings
That seem unanswered yet:
For this I have Jesus,
For this I have Jesus,
For this I have Jesus,
I have Jesus.
Strophe 3
For the weakness of my body,
The burdens of each day,
For the nights of doubt and worry,
When sleep has fled away;
Needing reassurance,
And the will to start again,
A steely-eyed endurance,
The strength to fight and win:
For this I have Jesus,
For this I have Jesus,
For this I have Jesus,
I have Jesus.
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