Becaue He Lives
Strophe 1
[G]God sent His Son, they called Him [C]Jesus, He came to [G]love, heal, and for[Am]give;[D7]
He lived and [G]died to buy my [C]pardon; An empty [G]grave is there to [D7]prove my Savior [G]lives.
Because He [G]lives, I can face to[C]morrow,
Because He [G]lives, all fear is [D7]gone;
Because I [G]kn[D7]ow[G7] He holds the [C]future,
And life is [G]worth the living [D7]just because He [G]lives.
Strophe 2
[G]How sweet to hold a newborn [C]baby and feel the [G]pride and joy he [Am]gives;[D7]
But greater [G]still the calm as[C]surance This child can [G]face uncertain [D7]days because He [G]lives.
Because He [G]lives, I can face to[C]morrow,
Because He [G]lives, all fear is [D7]gone;
Because I [G]kn[D7]ow[G7] He holds the [C]future,
And life is [G]worth the living [D7]just because He [G]lives.
Strophe 3
[G]And then one day I’ll cross that [C]river; I’ll fight life’s [G]final war with [Am]pain;[D7]
And then as [G]death gives way to [C]vict’ry, I’ll see the [G]lights of glory [D7]and I’ll know He [G]lives.
Because He [G]lives, I can face to[C]morrow,
Because He [G]lives, all fear is [D7]gone;
Because I [G]kn[D7]ow[G7] He holds the [C]future,
And life is [G]worth the living [D7]just because He [G]lives.
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