Awesome God
Strophe 1
Oh when He [F#m]rolls up his sleeves He ain’t just puttin’ on the ritz;
Our [Bm7]God is an [C#m7]awesome [F#m]God.
There is thunder in His footsteps and lightning in His fists,
Our [Bm7]God is an [C#m7]awesome [F#m]God.
And the [Bm7]Lord wasn’t joking when He kicked ’em out of Eden,
It [C#m7]wasn’t for no reason that He [Bm7]shed his [F#m]blood;
His re[D]turn is very soon and so you’d [D/B]better be be[D/F#]lievin’ that
Our [Bm7]God is an [C#m7]awesome [F#m]God.
Our [D]God is an [A]awesome God, He [E]reigns from [F#m]heaven above;
With [D]wisdom, [A]pow’r, and love, our [Bm7]God is an [C#m7]awesome [F#m]God.
Strophe 2
And when the [F#m]sky was starless in the void of the night,
Our [Bm7]God is an [C#m7]awesome [F#m]God.
He spoke into the darkness and created the light,
Our [Bm7]God is an [C#m7]awesome [F#m]God.
[Bm7]Judgment and wrath He poured out on Sodom,
[C#m7]Mercy and grace He [Bm7]gave us at the [F#m]cross;
I [D]hope that we have not [D/B]too quickly for[D/F#]gotten that
Our [Bm7]God is an [C#m7]awesome [F#m]God.
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