And On That Day
Strophe 1
[Em]In a little [Bm]corner of the [Am]world lived a [Em]maiden,
Pure in [Bm]heart, good in [Am]deed, full of [D]grace, gentle [Em]rose;
An an[G]gelic salu[D]tation for the [Am]Word’s annunci[Em]ation–
She’s to [G]be the chosen [D]mother of [Am]Jesus, [D]our [Em]Lord.
And on that [Am]day was put in [G]motion the [C]means of our re[D]demption,
And a [Am]way was opened [G]up as a [C]highway [D]to our [Am]God;
And a child was born to [G]us, and to [C]us a Son was [D]given,
Through the [Am]young and blessed [G]Mary came the [C]greatest [D]Gift of [G]all.
Strophe 2
And as she [Em]listened to the [Bm]voice with her [Am]gaze upon the [Em]splendor
Love em[Bm]braced her open [Am]heart, and she con[D]ceived the holy [Em]Lord.
« Be[G]hold the [D]handmaid, be[Am]hold your [Em]servant,
Be it [G]done unto [D]me ac[Am]cording [D]to Your [Em]word. »
And on that [Am]day was put in [G]motion the [C]means of our re[D]demption,
And a [Am]way was opened [G]up as a [C]highway [D]to our [Am]God;
And a child was born to [G]us, and to [C]us a Son was [D]given,
Through the [Am]young and blessed [G]Mary came the [C]greatest [D]Gift of [G]all.
[G]Holy, [D]holy, [Am]holy Re[Em]deemer, [G]Holy, [D]holy [Am]is [D]the [Em]Lord;
[G]Blessed is [D]He who [Am]comes to [Em]free us,
Blessed [G]is He who [D]comes in the [Am]Name [D]of the [Em]Lord.
Strophe 3
[Em]In a little [Bm]time there would [Am]be a cele[Em]bration
Eliza[Bm]beth would bear a [Am]son, they will [D]call his name [Em]John.
He will [G]go before the [D]Lord as a [Am]faithful [Em]messenger
He’ll pre[G]pare the [D]way for the [Am]Lamb who [D]is to [Em]come.
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