And Can It Be
Strophe 1
[G]And can be that [Am/C]I [D]should [G]gain, an [C]in[D]terest [G]in my [D]Sa[A]vior’s [D]blood?
[D]Died He for [G/D]me, who [G/B]caused His [D]pain? For [C]me, who [G]Him to [D]death pur[G]sued?
[G]Amazing [G/D]love, how [C]can [A]it [D]be
That [G]thou my [C]Lord should [D]die for [G]me?
A[G]mazing [D]love, how [C]can it [G]be
That [C]thou my [G]God [Am]should [C]die [D]for [G]me?
Strophe 2
[G]Long my imprisoned [Am/C]spi[D]rit [G]lay, Fast [C]bound [D]in [G]sin and [D]na[A]ture’s [D]night,
[D]Thine eye dif[G/D]fused a [G/B]quickening [D]ray, I [C]woke, the [G]dungeon [D]flamed with [G]light;
[G]My chains fell [G/D]off, my [C]heart [A]was [D]free,
I [G]rose, went [C]forth and [D]followed [G]thee.
A[G]mazing [D]love, how [C]can it [G]be
That [C]thou my [G]God [Am]should [C]die [D]for [G]me?
Strophe 3
[G]No condemnation [Am/C]now [D]I [G]dread, Je[C]sus, [D]and [G]all in [D]Him, [A]is [D]mine;
[D]Alive in [G/D]Him, my [G/B]living [D]Head and [C]clothed with [G]righteous[D]ness di[G]vine,
[G]Bold I ap[G/D]proach the e[C]ter[A]nal [D]throne,
And [G]claim the [C]crown through [D]Christ, my [G]own.
A[G]mazing [D]love, how [C]can it [G]be
That [C]thou my [G]God [Am]should [C]die [D]for [G]me?
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