New covenant people
Strophe 1
New covenant people rejoice,
Lift up your eyes and see your King.
Reigning in power on His heavenly throne,
Angels are joyfully singing:
To the Father, our Creator,
To our Judge and Lord.
And to Jesus, Mediator,
Who has cleansed us in His blood.
Strophe 2
Let us through Jesus draw near to God,
Offering up our sacrifice,
Confessing that Jesus is Lord over all,
Joining with heavenly praises:
To the Father, our Creator,
To our Judge and Lord.
And to Jesus, Mediator,
Who has cleansed us in His blood.
Strophe 3
We give thanks to You with fear,
Holy God, consuming fire,
Confessing that Jesus is Lord over all,
We bring our love and devotion:
To the Father, our Creator,
To our Judge and Lord.
And to Jesus, Mediator,
Who has cleansed us in His blood.
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