He Reigns

Strophe 1
[E]It’s the [D]song of the redeemed [A/C#]rising from the African [E]plain.
It’s the [D]song of the forgiven [A/C#]drowning out the Amazon [E]rain.
The song of [D]Asian believers [A/C#]filled with God’s holy [E]fire.
It’s ev’ry tribe, ev’ry [D]tongue, ev’ry nation; a [A/C#]love song born of a grateful [E]choir.

It’s all God’s children singing, « [D]Glory, glory, [A]hallelujah! He [E]reigns, He reigns! »
It’s all God’s children singing, « [D]Glory, glory, [A]hallelujah! He [E]reigns, He reigns! »

Strophe 2
Let it [D]rise above the four winds, [A/C#]caught up in the heavenly [E]sound.
Let praises echo from the [D]towers of cathedrals to the [A/C#]faithful gathered under[E]ground.
Of all the songs sung from the [D]dawn of creation, [A/C#]some were meant to per[E]sist.
Of all the bells rung from a [D]thousand steeples, [A/C#]none rings truer than [E]this:

It’s all God’s children singing, « [D]Glory, glory, [A]hallelujah! He [E]reigns, He reigns! »
It’s all God’s children singing, « [D]Glory, glory, [A]hallelujah! He [E]reigns, He reigns! »

And all the [A/E]powers of darkness [D/F#]tremble at what they’ve just [E]heard,
‘Cause all the [A/E]powers of darkness [D/F#]can’t drown out a single [E]word.

It’s all God’s children singing, « [D]Glory, glory, [A]hallelujah! He [E]reigns, He reigns! »
It’s all God’s children singing, « [D]Glory, glory, [A]hallelujah! He [E]reigns, He reigns! »


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