God is great

God is great, amazing!
Come, let His praises ring.
God is great, astounding!
The whole creation sings.

Strophe 1
His clothing is splendour and majesty bright,
For He wraps Himself in a garment of light.
He spreads out the heavens – His palace of stars,
And rides on the wings of the wind.

God is great, amazing!
Come, let His praises ring.
God is great, astounding!
The whole creation sings.

Strophe 2
What marvellous wisdom the Maker displays,
The sea vast and spacious, the dolphins and whales,
The earth full of creatures, the great and the small,
He watches and cares for them all.

God is great, amazing!
Come, let His praises ring.
God is great, astounding!
The whole creation sings.

Strophe 3
The rain forest canopies darken the skies,
Cathedrals of mist that resound with the choirs,
Of creatures discordant, outrageous, ablaze
In colourful pageants of praise.

God is great, amazing!
Come, let His praises ring.
God is great, astounding!
The whole creation sings.

Strophe 4
Above His creation the Father presides:
The pulse of the planets, the rhythm of tides,
The moon makes the seasons, the day follows night,
Yet He knows every beat of my heart.

God is great, amazing!
Come, let His praises ring.
God is great, astounding!
The whole creation sings.

Strophe 5
Let cannons of thunder salute their acclaim,
The sunsets fly glorious banners of flame,
The angels shout ‘holy’ again and again
As they soar in the arch of the heavens.

God is great, amazing!
Come, let His praises ring.
God is great, astounding!
The whole creation sings.


– Video Demo –

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