In You
Strophe 1
[D]I put my hope in [Am]You
I [C]lay my life in the palm of Your [D]hand
For [C]I am constantly [G]drawn to You Lord
In [C]ways I cannot compre[A]hend[C][G][Am][1:][D]
Strophe 2
It’s the Cre[D]ator calling the cre[Am]ated
The [C]Maker beckoning the [D]made
The bride [C]finding what she’s always [G]waited for
When we [C]find ourselves that [A]day[C][G][Am][1:][D]
In [D]You where the hungry feast at the [G]table
The blind [D]frozen by colors in [G]view
The lame will [D]dance, They’ll dance for they are [G]able
And the [C]weary find rest
Oh the [A]weary find rest in [D]You[G][C][Am]
Strophe 3
It’s no [D]secret that we don’t be[Am]long here
Those [C]set apart by the grace of [D]You
And we [C]look for the day when we [G]go to a place
Where the [C]old becomes… brand [A]new[C][G][Am][1:][D]
In [D]You where the hungry feast at the [G]table
The blind [D]frozen by colors in [G]view
The lame will [D]dance, They’ll dance for they are [G]able
And the [C]weary find rest
Oh the [A]weary find rest in [D]You[G][C][Am]
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