When We All Get To Heaven
Strophe 1
[A]Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, [E7]Sing His mercy and His [A]grace;
[A]In the mansions [D]bright and blessed, [A]He’ll pre[E7]pare for us a [A]place.
When we [A]all get to heaven, What a day of re[B7]joicing that will [E7]be;
When we [A]all see [D]Jesus, We’ll [A]sing and [E7]shout the victo[A]ry.
Strophe 2
[A]While we walk the pilgrim pathway, [E7]Clouds will over spread the [A]sky;
[A]But when travelling [D]days are over, [A]Not a [E7]shadow, not a [A]sigh.
Strophe 3
[A]Let us then be true and faithful, [E7]Trusting serving every[A]day;
[A]Just one glimpse of [D]Him in glory, [A]Will the [E7]toils of life re[A]pay.
Strophe 4
[A]Onward to the prize before us, [E7]Soon His beauty we’ll be[A]hold;
[A]Soon the pearly [D]gates will open, [A]We shall [E7]tread the streets of [A]gold.
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