Called to a battle
Strophe 1
Called to a battle, heavenly war;
Though we may struggle, victory is sure.
Death will not triumph, though we may die;
Jesus has promised our eternal life.
By the blood of the Lamb we shall overcome,
See the accuser thrown down.
By the word of the Lord we shall overcome,
Raise a victory cry,
Like thunder in the skies,
Thunder in the skies.
Strophe 2
Standing together, moving as one;
We are God’s army, called to overcome.
We are commissioned, Jesus says go;
In every nation, let His love be known.
By the blood of the Lamb we shall overcome,
See the accuser thrown down.
By the word of the Lord we shall overcome,
Raise a victory cry,
Like thunder in the skies,
Thunder in the skies.
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