He Is Yahweh

Strophe 1
[E]Who is moving on the [A]waters? [E]Who is holding up the [B]moon?
[E]Who is peeling back the [A]darkness,[C#m] with the burning light of [B]noon?
[E]Who is standing on the [A]mountains?[E] Who is on the earth be[B]low?
[C#m]Who is bigger [B]than the [A]heavens,[E] and the [A]Lover of my [B]soul?[E]

[A]Creator God, He is [C#m]Yahweh,[B] The Great I Am, He is [E]Yahweh,
[A]The Lord of All, He is [C#m]Yahweh;[E][B]
[A]Rose of Sharon, He is [C#m]Yahweh,[B] The Righteous Son, He is [E]Yahweh,
[A]The Three-in-one, He is [C#m]Yahweh.[B]

Strophe 2
[E]Who is He that makes me [A]happy? [E]Who is He that gives me [B]peace?
[E]Who is He that brings me [A]comfort, [C#m] and turns the bitter into [B]sweet?
[E]Who is stirring up my [A]passion? [E] Who is rising up in [B]me?
[C#m]Who is filling [B]up my [A]hunger, [E] with [A]everything I [B]need?[E]

[A]Creator God, He is [C#m]Yahweh,[B] The Great I Am, He is [E]Yahweh,
[A]The Lord of All, He is [C#m]Yahweh;[E][B]
[A]Rose of Sharon, He is [C#m]Yahweh,[B] The Righteous Son, He is [E]Yahweh,
[A]The Three-in-one, He is [C#m]Yahweh.[B]

[A]You are holy and e[B]ternal,[E] and for[B]ever You will [C#m]reign;[B]
[A]Every knee will bow be[B]fore You, every tongue will con[C#m]fess Your name;[A]
[A]All the angels give You [B]glory,[E] as they [B]stand before Your [C#m]throne,[B]
[A]And here on earth we [B]gather,[A] to declare Your name a[B]lone.[E]

[A]Creator God, He is [C#m]Yahweh,[B] The Great I Am, He is [E]Yahweh,
[A]The Lord of All, He is [C#m]Yahweh;[E][B]
[A]Rose of Sharon, He is [C#m]Yahweh,[B] The Righteous Son, He is [E]Yahweh,
[A]The Three-in-one, He is [C#m]Yahweh.[B]


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